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Se afișează postările cu eticheta overweight. Afișați toate postările

vineri, 14 ianuarie 2022

Genetic Test - Prevents cancer and other serious illnesses


Selling in AT, BE, BG, HR, CY, CZ, DK, EE, FI, FR, DE, GR, HU, IE, IT, LV, LT, LU, MT, MD, NL, NO, PL, PT, RO, RU, SK, SI, ES, SE, GB
                                                good reasons to feel better knowing:
GenetX -
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GenetX offers the only genetic test that: - Identifies the PERSONALIZED, accurate, daily, nutrient quantities intake - Prevents cancer and other serious illnesses analyzing DNA gene mutations Genetic tests cover large customer segments consisting of people interested in: - nutrition - therapeutic nutritional solutions for metabolic diseases: diabetes, etc. - well-being - pregnant and breastfeeding women - weight management, overweight or obese - fitness - body response to physical effort or sport performance - body response to different drug treatments - cancer prevention of cancer or other serious illness CARDIOLOGY - We offer comprehensive genetic diagnostics for all hereditary cardiovascular diseases, including diseases such as cardiomyopathies, channelopathies, aortopathies, connective tissue disorders, pulmonary arterial hypertension, congenital heart defects, rasopathies, and inherited dyslipidemias. DERMATOLOGY - We offer comprehensive genetic diagnostics for hereditary skin diseases, including a variety of isolated and syndromic diseases with skin manifestations. These range from aplastic skin on the scalp in Adams-Oliver syndrome with terminal limb defects, hypoplastic or absent nails, congenital heart defects, microphthalmia, microcephaly, and CNS anomalies to severe, classic Hutchinson-Gilford progeria accompanied by accelerated aging. ENDOCRINOLOGY - We offer comprehensive genetic diagnostics for inherited diseases of the endocrine system and infertility. Our endocrinology panels focus on the endocrine glands and tissues that secrete hormones. HEMATOLOGY - We offer comprehensive genetic diagnostics for a broad range of hematological disorders varying from bone marrow failure to specific disorders affecting various cell populations and factors involved in hemostasis. These include congenital defects in neutrophils, inherited disorders affecting platelets and platelet function, and a broad spectrum of red blood cell disorders. HEREDITARY CANCER - We offer comprehensive genetic diagnostics for a number of disorders associated with hereditary cancer susceptibility. These cancer panels cover genes associated with cancer types originating from the gastrointestinal tract, the endocrine and neuroendocrine systems, different organs such as the lungs, kidneys, liver, pancreas, skin, and eyes, gathering the known genetic defects presenting early in childhood. IMMUNOLOGY - We offer comprehensive genetic diagnostics for a broad range of inherited and congenital immunological defects, covering genes associated with known primary immunodeficiencies (PID). METABOLIC DISORDERS - We offer comprehensive genetic diagnostics for hereditary metabolic disorders, also known as “inborn errors of metabolism.” Hundreds of inherited metabolic disorders have been identified. These include disorders of lysosomal storage, fatty acid oxidation, creatine metabolism, glycosylation, glycogen storage and urea cycle, peroxisomal disorders, organic acidemias, hypoglycemia, hyperinsulinism and ketone metabolism deficiency, lipodystrophy, hyperphenylalaninemia, and mitochondrial DNA depletion. These medical conditions vary in severity and age of onset, and they can cause lifelong health problems or even death. NEUROLOGY - We offer comprehensive genetic diagnostics for all the main hereditary neurological disorders. These diseases include syndromic and nonsyndromic epilepsies, ataxias, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, hereditary polyneuropathies and motor neuron diseases, limb girdle muscular dystrophies, leukodystrophies, mental retardation, Parkinson’s disease, and dementia, among others. PULMONOLOGY - We offer comprehensive genetic diagnostics for hereditary pulmonary diseases, including nonsyndromic presentations, and a number of syndromes in which pulmonary symptoms occur with systemic diseases. NEFROLOGY - We offer comprehensive genetic diagnostics for inherited kidney diseases. These disorders include some congenital single-organ diseases and a variety of multiorgan syndromes, such as the ciliopathies. Classical ciliopathies include polycystic kidney disease (PKD), retinal degeneration, laterality defects, chronic respiratory problems, situs inversus, hydrocephalus, and infertility. OPHTHALMOLOGY - We offer comprehensive genetic diagnostics for all hereditary eye diseases, including retinal and corneal dystrophies, glaucoma, congenital cataract, developmental eye defects (e.g. anophthalmia, microphthalmia, and anterior segment dysgenesis), ocular albinism, optic neuropathies, and eye movement disorders.

sâmbătă, 9 octombrie 2021

Genetic Test

Selling in AT, BE, BG, HR, CY, CZ, DK, EE, FI, FR, DE, GR, HU, IE, IT, LV, LT, LU, MT, MD, NL, NO, PL, PT, RO, RU, SK, SI, ES, SE, GB GenetX - GenetX offers the only genetic test that: - Identifies the PERSONALIZED, accurate, daily, nutrient quantities intake - Prevents cancer and other serious illnesses analyzing DNA gene mutations Genetic tests cover large customer segments consisting of people interested in: - nutrition - therapeutic nutritional solutions for metabolic diseases: diabetes, etc. - well-being - pregnant and breastfeeding women - weight management, overweight or obese - fitness - body response to physical effort or sport performance - body response to different drug treatments - cancer prevention of cancer or other serious illness