
Se afișează postările cu eticheta marketing. Afișați toate postările
Se afișează postările cu eticheta marketing. Afișați toate postările

joi, 3 februarie 2022

Affiliate program #makemoney #workfromhome


Prodaja u BG, HR, CZ, HU, IN, MD, PL, RO, SK, SI Dobrodošli u 2Performant affiliate program! #ostanisafe #radodkuće ZA OGLAŠAVAČA , ZA POVEZANE - Od 10. lipnja 2020. nagrađivat ćemo samo potencijalne klijente za nove oglašivače pokrenute na platformi 2Performant. Nudimo proviziju od 100 eura za svakog oglašivača koji se pokrene u intervalu od 90 dana od registracije na 2Performant platformi. Naše istraživanje i iskustvo pokazuju da bi affiliate program mogao biti učinkovit kanal oglašavanja za e-commerce trgovine koje su već stekle vidljivost i dosegle minimalni iznos narudžbi/mjesečno. Iako ne postoji broj ili čarobna formula, smatramo da od 200 narudžbi mjesečno trgovina e-trgovine može generirati potencijal na kojem će podružnice graditi dalje. Stoga preporučamo da se usredotočite na promociju oglašivača s najmanje 200 narudžbi mjesečno u svojoj online trgovini. Zabranjeno je afilijatu kreirati račun oglašivača u ime online trgovine bez prethodnog jasnog sporazuma između dviju strana. ZA OGLAŠAVAČA , ZA POVEZANE -

joi, 16 septembrie 2021

Affiliate Marketing

Selling in BG, HR, CZ, HU, IN, MD, PL, RO, SK, SI

Welcome to the 2Performant affiliate program!


Starting with June 10, 2020, we will reward only the leads for new advertisers launched in 2Performant platform. We offer a commission of 100 euro for any advertiser who is launched in an interval of 90 days since its registration on 2Performant platform. Our research and experience show that an affiliate program could be an efficient advertising channel for e-commerce store that have already gained visibility and have reached a minimum amount of orders/month. While there is no number or magic formula, we consider that from 200 orders/month an e-commerce store can generate a potential on which the affiliates will build on. Therefore, we recommend to focus on promoting advertisers with at least 200 orders/month in their online store. It is forbidden for an affiliate to create an advertiser account on behalf of an online shop without a preexisting clear agreement between the two parties. FOR ADVERTISER , FOR AFFILIATES -   -

sâmbătă, 13 august 2016

Marketing democracy with 2Performant


Since you’ve landed here, it’s clear you want to start earning more. Either you want to supplement your monthly earnings or want to get to the point you can freelance your way to new places, new experiences or just want to be independent. Well do I have great news for you! You’ve reached the right place. Here, at 2Performant, we value performance, we value people, we value marketing and technology. We’re a great team, enthusiastic, energetic, always ready to push limits, tech geeks that are constantly seeking to understand and fulfil our partner’s needs. Either advertiser or affiliate. Through 2Performant we aim to democratize affiliate marketing, bringing the power back to the little guy. By joining our affiliate program, and promoting our services you’ll register commissions for new users brought by you, both for new affiliates and/ or new advertisers. Why do we guarantee an exceptional conversion rate? * We take pride in ourselves with our product and our services; * We are transparent and provide proactive support; * The site and the platform are optimized for phones and tablets; * We prevent traffic leaking by not displaying phone numbers for visitors referred by our affiliates; * Call-to-action banners in standard IAB formats; * Support for other tools on request; * We accept Facebook Ads, Google AdWords and Email Marketing. You can contact us by email at or through the 2Performant messaging. Now we’ll take you through each partner type and explain how much you can earn.